Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is Life Really Beautiful ?

We often hear the phrase 'Life is Beautiful'. Is it just a statement uttered when one, trapped in the dry cycle of alternating pleasure and displeasure, gets an escape from a desperation or does it really mean what it says. If life really is beautiful, immediately the question of 'in what sense' follows. And it is not an easy one when viewed in the daylight of history. Chaos, distress and pain have been haunting us from time immemorial. We have been killing each other in almost every age. The deceptiveness of the statement is further exposed when one have a look at various schools of religious thoughts. Almost all of them either tacitly or explicitly preaches detachment. The glad tidings of a better future itself indicates there is something seriously wrong with the present. In view of all these things the truth value of the usage that 'Life is Beautiful' comes under suspicion. It sounds more like an encouraging line to fool oneself than a factual one. Fooling oneself, though sounds derogatory is a highly common tactic employed by a great majority to act as an aid in overcoming the hurdles that we come across. In short literally the statement has little merit. But there exist the possibility of an artistic interpretation, which in order to be clear demands good amount of homework from the subject.


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