Sunday, January 31, 2010

FUNDAMENTALISM, INDIA, YOUNG INDIANS AND THE WORLD.......... [Thoughts On Realsing the Indian Dream........]

Nothing has been haunting our mother land so consistently and persistently than communal disharmony between its citizens. It torn the nation apart. Thousands of human lives fell victim to the monstrosities of religious conflicts. When the British banked on it for political and economic mileages we could understand. But history bears evidence to innumerable instances when people from within exploited this vulnerability for power aspirations. And that exploitation is still continuing unfettered. Polarization ensures vote banks and here lies the key to the problem. Either the leaders and political parties should nurture the moral imagination to transcend parochialism or the citizens should develop the sensitivity to identify the pervert power mongers. To tie the hands of those who does not mind hoisting their flag of victory on the shattered pieces of flesh and blood of innocents is not easy. The insecurities and fears of the common man remains ever vulnerable to the calculated manipulative traps of the crooked. Yet in spite of all the unfortunate events our nation always bounced back to embrace the ideals of secularism and harmonious coexistence. Fundamentalists, like potential cancerous cells is lurking beneath the surface, always yearning to create division and propagate hate. Here comes the responsibility of the emerging generation of young Indians. Empowered with science and art we can bend the arc of history towards peace and prosperity.

Fundamentalism, mother of communalism, in its various shades is spreading like an epidemic all over the world. Every culture and religion is increasingly getting hijacked to spread hate and violence by psychotics with criminal instincts. From the home let us begin and to each and every corner of the world let we stretch our ever helping hands. Then alone will our nation shine when the darkness of the world gets disturbed by the light from the Indian land. We did it before....We can do it again.....The world needs it badly. Let us realise the Indian dream....Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.....


Monday, January 25, 2010


Few hours from now the entire nation will wake up to yet another republic day celebrations. The tri-color flag will go up followed by the melody of our national anthem, triggering a chilling wave of patriotism in our nerves and veins. The ecstasy winds down then, and there will be a few instances when we will be thinking of the problems and future of the country. The purity of patriotism more than anything depends on how long those contemplative moments persists and what evolves out of it. Inspite of all the advances we have made we still have problems haunting us, stifling our progress. Thousands of our fellow citizens are still struck by poverty and ugly conditions of living. A multitude of vices thrives on it. The nightmare of violent extremism from within and without, of different shades, is haunting us.
There should arose within us a sense of responsibility to dedicate our efforts in solving these problems. With the lamp of education we have to destroy the darkness of illiteracy. With the light of literacy we have to fight poverty and poor conditions of living. The spirit of humanism and harmonious coexistence should be allowed to vipe out the pathologies of communalism and violent extremism of all shades.
The task is not easy. We will have to operate in the midst of our personal insecurities. But if we show the courage to step into the currents of history, there is no way our actions will go blank. Like the forgotten seeds germinating in an unexpected shower, so will our actions sprout. In the greenery that ensues we will be able to see a billion smiles.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


When the shell of a pain crackles
By the assault of patience
A breeze chills the naked soul
And heart beats in the womb of creativity

The silent moments that ensues
The warmth of bliss that accompanies
Condense to droplets of reliable pleasures
On which humanity survived ....and on it evolves

Wound and set in search for order
We discovered art and science
In a peck of a stone heavenly wisdom
And in wild flowers fragrance of paradise

In the gnarled hairs of nature
And the knotty depths of mind
We traveled in darkness
Unchained inhibitions and unlocked troves

Salute to the savants of yesteryears
Crawling through the rocky terrains
They dug deep and sipped the marrow of life.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I lived....tossed up and down .....
By the waves from the depth of my mind
Sometimes silent.....but mostly violent.....

I am fed up......of this slavery from within
In the net woven by my ancestors....
Swung by the wind of the times.

The inner yearning to script my destiny
Is pushing me ahead incessantly
Along the journey I am discovering happiness
Strangely simple......contrary to my phantasies.

Simplicity shuts the door to hell
And disillusioning makes life a pilgrimage
The door to paradise slowly opens
When moments enchants, nothing matters much.
