Saturday, January 16, 2010


When the shell of a pain crackles
By the assault of patience
A breeze chills the naked soul
And heart beats in the womb of creativity

The silent moments that ensues
The warmth of bliss that accompanies
Condense to droplets of reliable pleasures
On which humanity survived ....and on it evolves

Wound and set in search for order
We discovered art and science
In a peck of a stone heavenly wisdom
And in wild flowers fragrance of paradise

In the gnarled hairs of nature
And the knotty depths of mind
We traveled in darkness
Unchained inhibitions and unlocked troves

Salute to the savants of yesteryears
Crawling through the rocky terrains
They dug deep and sipped the marrow of life.



WPS said...

I love the imagery in this poem. Thanks

Sandeep Kalathimekkad said...

Not bad, you are "fast" improving :)