Thursday, January 29, 2009


It has almost become a fashion statement to say that each individual is unique. When viewed with a critical eye the statement opens up issues that need to be dealt more carefully. Uniqueness implies difference which has constructive as well as destructive dimensions. Let our eyes focus on the later dimension which is of more current relevance. Gulf of difference is often projected as the justification for sectarianism of all sorts, no matter it be racial, geographical or ideological. As such it would not be too far fetched to say that in difference lies the root of destruction. Any way it cannot be denied that difference exists and it will continue to exist. But the real problem lies not in accepting the trivial differences but ignoring the facts of greater fundamental importance, which has been repeated by great souls across centuries. In the words of Barack Obama it goes as

'We have stakes in one another'....... ' What binds us together is greater than what drives us apart'

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