Thursday, June 7, 2012

Your Punishment or Our Crime ?

When I cannot do what my mind aspires
I blame my self......
But what if I end doing things which
I never wanted to.......
Am I the guilty or thee......
Is this disobedience your punishment,
Or our crime.....


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Secret of Beauty

When thou gets unveiled
What happens to thine beauty's glory
For it never can touch those zenith
While hidden within the cloaks of mystery

When they put the pen down
Admirers their gaze away
Thine hands and eyes may take it
For the comedy is over.


For thine eyes I am an impostor

Neither did I change overnight
Nor could I, but for thine sight

Thine hands never came close to my veils
So tender is it that a gentle breeze suffice
And thou now accuse me of hiding my face

For thine eyes I am an impostor
Thou definitely art  no stranger
We all see what we wish to see.
